[Faster] Roblox Stranger Things Event Working Auto Farm Shooting Gallery

 So as you know the previous script has been patched by the owner since the owner is capping every game into like 30-50 star coins, now this scripts allows you to farm 35 coins every game end music plays, the gui will not disappear you just have to wait like 10 minutes and you should be able to buy everything, let's see!

Can we really farm everything we need in 10 minutes using sk8r with the script? We will see in this video soon.

Game link: (7) Stranger Things: Starcourt Mall - Roblox

Thanks cloud9 for the script, I edited it a bit so sk8r users can use it, you should choose sk8r bytecode for this one

Here is the script (you must leave the game and rejoin after you are done farming! Edited to make it faster)

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() game:GetService("VirtualUser"):ClickButton2(Vector2.new()) end) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ShootingGalleryGui:Destroy() while wait(1) do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShootingGallery.RemoteEvents.RequestGalleryStart:FireServer() wait(0.1) local A_1 = { ["TargetName"] = "Demogorgon", ["score"] = math.huge, ["position"] = Vector3.new() } local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShootingGallery.RemoteEvents.Statistics.TargetHit Event:FireServer(A_1) wait(0.1) local args = {[1] = true} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShootingGallery.RemoteEvents.FinalBeatCleared:FireServer(unpack(args)) end

In case the creator breaks the game again here is another script to buy every item:












This script allows you to buy everything in this game, but you must have enough money using above script!


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