
Showing posts from June, 2021

ROBLOX Nerf Strike Loop Kill Enemies Script

In this script you can just execute it and it will loop kill all the enemies for you pretty OP script here. thanks e621 for the script local function TheIndustrialRevolutionAndItsConsequences() for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then pcall(function() local key = game.HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)--you're gonna shoot your eye out with that protection local args = { [1] = v.Character.Head.Position, [2] = v.Character.Head.Position, [3] = 0.1025786002477, [4] = key, [5] = "EliteTurbine", [6] = 1, [7] = v.Character, [8] = "Dart_Default" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TGSShootCombatV2_ServerCreateProjectile:FireServer(unpack(args)) l

[Faster] Roblox Stranger Things Event Working Auto Farm Shooting Gallery

 So as you know the previous script has been patched by the owner since the owner is capping every game into like 30-50 star coins, now this scripts allows you to farm 35 coins every game end music plays, the gui will not disappear you just have to wait like 10 minutes and you should be able to buy everything, let's see! Can we really farm everything we need in 10 minutes using sk8r with the script? We will see in this video soon. Game link:  (7) Stranger Things: Starcourt Mall - Roblox Thanks cloud9 for the script, I edited it a bit so sk8r users can use it, you should choose sk8r bytecode for this one Here is the script (you must leave the game and rejoin after you are done farming! Edited to make it faster) repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() game:GetService("VirtualUser"):ClickButton2( end) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ShootingGalleryGui:Destroy() w

ROBLOX Big Brain Simulator🧠 auto farm GUI

This script allows you to auto farm in roblox big brain simulator. and also a lot of fun stuffs. Game:  (7) Big Brain Simulator🧠 - Roblox Script is here: loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()   vu:Button2Down(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame)   wait(1)   vu:Button2Up(,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end)

ROBLOX Stranger Things: Starcourt Mall Auto Farm Ice cream shop [Not as powerful as before right now]

 So first, you have to go to the stranger things game and then just execute this script, it works only on original sk8r, may takes a while but it is good to farm as the store stuffs are so expensive to buy and you don't have time to play the game. Just go to the store and buy everything you need to get all the badges from the store! You should go to the accessory store and clothing store to buy all the stuff, do it while you can or you must farm again sadly. Game Link:  (7) Stranger Things: Starcourt Mall - Roblox It is very hard to earn money in this game, so we must need a script to do things fast. You could see no one really got any badges yet. Script (only works in original sk8r not as powerful as before now so I recommend you just farm using auto clicker with the script so whenever your shift is ended you pressed the ok button and it will restart again each time you will get about 50 coins, it's sad that the creator capped every game to be only worth about 30-100 coins...

Roblox Kitty Codes Working As Of June 22th 2021

 Here are the list of codes that you can use to purchase any items in kitty. Anniversary - Redeem this code for a bunch of Cheese Kitty1Year - Redeem this code for a bunch of Cheese ThanksYouAll - Redeem this code for a bunch of Cheese TMF100 - Redeem this code for a bunch of Cheese I just redeemed them all and got so many cheese to buy skins, weapons, traps, pets etc for free! Game Link:

ROBLOX FE Gravity Gun [Works for unanchored objects only like cars]

 This script allows you to control any unanchored objects like cars and doors using the telekenesis tool  The game I used it on:  (8) Brookhaven 🏡RP - Roblox Script: function sandbox(var,func) local env = getfenv(func) local newenv = setmetatable({},{ __index = function(self,k) if k=="script" then return var else return env[k] end end, }) setfenv(func,newenv) return func end cors = {} mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting")) Tool0 ="Tool") Part1 ="Part") CylinderMesh2 ="CylinderMesh") Part3 ="Part") LocalScript4 ="LocalScript") Script5 ="Script") LocalScript6 ="LocalScript") Script7 ="Script") LocalScript8 ="LocalScript") Part9 ="Part") Script10 ="Script"

ROBLOX KAT! Aimbot and ESP Script

 I know I have released this before, but I will release this again since this is a game based script that is working good in sk8r bytecode conversion, you may hold ctrl to aim and press alt to toggle esp so you can see other people locations. If you want 3rd person shooting, you better turn on shift lock in roblox settings, so you could use 3rd person. Game:  (8) KAT! - Roblox Script: --Made By: JevanMasters game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "AIMBOT", Text = "Press L.Ctrl" }) game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "ESP NAME", Text = "Press L.Alt" }) PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer MOUSE = PLAYER:GetMouse() CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera ENABLED = false ESP_ENABLED = false _G.FREE_FOR_ALL = true _G.BIND = 50 _G.ESP_BIND = 52 _G.CHANGE_AIM = 'gfdkdfvdgfdgccv' _G.AIM_AT = 'Head' wait(1)

Roblox Theif Life Simulator Script GUI

 Very OP Script that allows you to money farm, unlock all level access, level farm in ROBLOX Theif Life Simulator! Using this GUI. You must use Sk8r original to execute this script because it is loadstring and httpget! Game: Script: loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()

Roblox MeepCity Money Script 300k MeepCity Money

This is a meep city money script, you can only execute it once and leave the game and get about 300k meep city money. 1 - Load in the game and go to top menu go to games and find Starballs 2 - Once in Starballs go in any level, execute the following script: local args = {     [1] = 8,     [2] = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Head,     [3] = 2223,     [4] = 6,     [5] = 2213 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Connection:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) Once your character resets, rejoin the game. Game Link:  (8) 💙 MeepCity 💙 - Roblox

Roblox Teleport All to me script

 This may not be working for some games but it is useful since in your client side you would at least see the player being teleported to you at a split seconds, and if you edited it a bit like adding a while loop, you may teleport people to you forever and you could kill them anytime with your melee or guns. Script: target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do     player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = target end

Roblox Ninja Legends Auto Farm Gui [Open Source]

This is a ninja legends auto farm gui. You must use sk8r original to use it. Game:  (7) ⚡Ninja Legends - Roblox Script Open Sourced I modified a bit so sk8r can use it: Features: Code: [Ninja Legends] >Auto swing >Auto sell >Get all elements >Get all chests >Get light karme >Get evil karma >Auto hoops >Unlock all islands instantly >Autofarm all bosses >Teleport to chi, coins etc >Auto buy all swords >Auto buy all belts >Auto buy ranks >Auto buy pets >Auto accepttrade >Walkspeed, Jumppower >All teleports >Btools >G noclip >B fly >Teleport to random player >Lag switch F3 >Serverhop >Rejoin