ROBLOX Nerf Strike Loop Kill Enemies Script

In this script you can just execute it and it will loop kill all the enemies for you pretty OP script here. thanks e621 for the script

local function TheIndustrialRevolutionAndItsConsequences() for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then pcall(function() local key = game.HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)--you're gonna shoot your eye out with that protection local args = { [1] = v.Character.Head.Position, [2] = v.Character.Head.Position, [3] = 0.1025786002477, [4] = key, [5] = "EliteTurbine", [6] = 1, [7] = v.Character, [8] = "Dart_Default" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TGSShootCombatV2_ServerCreateProjectile:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = { [1] = 100, [2] = key, [3] = v.Character.Head, [4] = v.Character.Head.Position, [5] = v.Character.Head.Position, [6] = "EliteTurbine" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TGSShootCombatV2_ReportHit:FireServer(unpack(args)) end) end end end while wait() do TheIndustrialRevolutionAndItsConsequences() end

Yea so you just inject and execute better use bytecode conversion for this.


  1. Replies
    1. inject sk8r or whatever executor you have, bytecode is much more better with this, then yeah.

  2. Can you make a script for BIG Paintball, thank you. BTW this script Is amazing!

  3. can you make a script for funky friday plz and thanks

  4. Can you do a script for west bound
    ( the script worked only once )


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